Every accomplishment starts with a decision to try!

Although we’re hoping to catch some more wind this season, October usually marks the end of the season for us. Even though it’s possible to kitesurf in Estonia all year round, we don’t have the right equipment for it and, honestly, surfing with degrees around zero seems nuts yet tempting.

Years ago we did go surfing with 6 degrees outside/8 degrees water, but that ended with us being so frozen we couldn’t even get our gloves, boots and wetsuits off. A friend of ours who was watching on shore, literally undressed us as we didn’t feel our hands. So lets wrap this season up and reflect on what were the biggest takeaways…

1.Higher self-confidence

Thanks to this summer and trainings with our coach we actually acknowledge we’re intermediate level kiters. We got assurance and confidence from Kristiin and probably we’re too harsh on ourselves before, but now we for sure can say we can kite. Thanks to higher self-confidence we’re also more willing to try new spots, stormy weather kiting, kiting alone, etc. We’re even playing around with an idea to try surfing this winter when it’s snowy and icy, if we can lend some dry suits from someone.

2. Jumping

Till this season we were those boring heelside cruisers who had random kicks from the waves. We upgraded our skills a lot this season while learning to ride toeside, jibe, jump, self-land, etc. We’ve also never practiced so much self-rescue as we did this season 🙂 The happiest we’re still about jumping till now it seemed something so unreachable. But here we are, trying to gain more and more height! Maybe one day we’ll even learn some tricks?!

3. Wish to teach

Attending the IKO Assistant Instructor Training Course was another assurance for us that we would like to start teaching others and motivate them to take up the sport we enjoy so much! For us it’s not only about kitesurfing anymore, it’s about the time to ourselves, our little getaway from everyday rush. And we would be more than happy if we could help to grow the kitesurfing community and see some endlessly happy faces on water! Fingers crossed there’s an IKO Instructor course coming soon.

There you go! Just believe in yourself and everything’s possible!

Discovering Prangli together
Discovering Prangli together