From first horror movie lessons to self-confident teaching

October-November usually marks the end of kitesurfing season in Estonia. Only the bravest ones who are ready to face the colder weather and water can be spotted on the beach. This means that it’s also the end of Triin’s first instructor season. Here’s what she experienced, learnt and saved for next season. 

The first lesson – horror movie

Was quite scary. Because you have been thought what to do and there has always been someone to check, and if needed, correct, but now you were on your own. It was a super windy day, therefore Triin did not only take the shortened lines but quadruple lines and doubted in every move quite a bit. Being used to choosing equipment for yourself is one thing, but for others with completely different weight and skills is another.
Yet the feeling at the end of the lesson was great – “You can really do this” despite all the doubts. 

Triin with her first student

Biggest takeaway – stay alert

It’s amazing how much one can grow self-confidence while teaching others. Lesson after lesson Triin felt more confident in all teaching techniques, but yet every lesson was different. Therefore, the biggest takeaway – always stay alert and adjust the lesson according to your student. Push when it’s needed to push and let go when it’s the right time.  

The coolest about teaching

Definitely people! The stories behind every student why they decided to try kitesurfing, what’s their expectation and how that meets reality.
Also, cannot complain about life on the beach 😉

The most drab about teaching

Self-rescue for sure! Although it’s one of the most important parts how to keep yourself safe when something happens, it’s also the most annoying part of the teaching. At one point, Triin noticed that she’s doing everything by the book when others are skipping here and there, therefore felt a bit nerdy, but hey safety first! Huh, those students messing with the lines…

The most unexpected moment

A teaching session in Paljassaare where we had a day of lessons with sideshore wind. The sea level was higher than usual and therefore at one point it was over the head. And then you see how your student drops the kite exactly to the power zone and starts drifting towards the port that is just next to the beach. Now you can picture a student panicking about drifting towards the port, unable to relaunch the kite in deep water and then Triin swimming towards her like a true Mitch Buchannon 🏊‍♀️. At that point Triin felt herself like an amateur beating herself about why she couldn’t predict that earlier. But after a couple of minutes she witnessed how other instructors were running to the rescue of their students, so she wasn’t the only one making miscalculations. 

B1 on shore

The easiest student

Two guys who wanted a refresher course. They had taken the full beginners’ course last season and wanted a refresher course just as an assurance that they remember everything. Basically, Triin was in the water like a security service keeping an eye on the students and how they surfed left and right.  

The most difficult student

Definitely a 69-year-old lady who was determined to learn kitesurfing as means for stress management. Although her mind was up for it, the body definitely wasn’t. She had serious balance and coordination issues which made the lesson the trickiest of them all. At one point, Triin was so afraid that something will happen and the poor lady will end up in a hospital with a broken hip or something. It’s just how fragile she seemed in every move she made.

Luckily, the lesson ended well and although Triin had stressed for the last 2 hours, the lady was super stoked. She was eager to continue and even thinking about buying a wetsuit 🙈

Triin, on the other hand, had mixed feelings. She consulted with more professional instructors what to do now as her personal feeling was that as much as the lady does  want to surf, she’s rather a danger to herself and others. Finally, there was a decision that we will give her a second chance and if that goes as the first lesson, we kindly ask the lady to consider if she’s really fit for it. If progress is witnessed, then we continue in her own pace.

The most challenging about teaching

Arriving to the beach on time! Juggling the time between “real work”, family and kids, and “hobby work” was the challenge of the summer. At one point, Triin wanted to clone herself to be able to do everything she wanted.
But yet the challenge was worth it because some alone time on the beach was much needed.

The consequence of teaching

When it’s windy you’re teaching – period! Far less kiting time for yourself. But then again, a nice suntan on your face & hands + positive vibes spending time outdoors is guaranteed. 

When you have been teaching & your best friend riding again


Teaching is fun and suits Triin very well! At least this is how she feels and hopefully the students think alike. At least got good feedback and remarks from the owners of the Surftown kiteschool where she teached – big hooray!

No pressure for Anne-Mai but now she doesn´t have any excuses for upcoming spring! New group of IKO instructor course is being formed and waiting to be passed!

Now we are waiting for the winter season to start snowkiting and hopefully some teaching too …