Hiiumaa kite camp 2.0

As you already know, no summer will pass without our kite camp in Hiiumaa. This year, however, we decided to upgrade our camp and invited all our biggest fans along. What happened in the Hiiuma kite camp 2.0?

There’s only one place in Hiiumaa where we’re willing to stay – Kalana. As it’s one of the hottest places in Hiiumaa, we booked the accommodation early and let all the invitees know that they should do the same. What turned out 2 months later? Everyone, except 1 family, ignored our suggestions and were left without accommodation 🙂
That’s a good start for the camp, isn’t it?! Luckily this wasn’t our worry as everyone was responsible for their own bookings, but rather funny for us. As a result many came with camper vans or stayed a bit further away. 

Kite camp in Hiiumaa 2023
Kiting in Külaküla – a wide beach strip in Hiiumaa

As we lived in different places, then the daily camp dynamics was like this: meet at the windy beach – surf all day long – have a nice get-together in the evening – everyone off to their temporary homes. 

It was windy almost every day. We had light wind on two days and one day quite stormy conditions. 

The first 2 days with light wind were ideal for visiting Külaküla spot. It has a wide narrow beach strip and quite shallow water, therefore ideal for all our campers whose kiting levels varied from beginner to advanced. Also, at most times we had the beach all to ourselves. So, true camp vibe!

Our won kiting paradise in Hiiumaa
Our won kiting paradise in Hiiumaa

One the stormy day we went to our favourite kite beach in Hiiumaa – Suureranna. This is definitely one of our most loved spots in Estonia. It was so good to be back on the water there. The wind was quite strong, but very enjoyable. Traffic, however, seemed a bit scary for the beginners. Yet they managed perfectly. As they say – you need to put yourself out there to overcome your fears. 

It was so heartwarming to see how people, who didn’t know each other before, were joined through the passion for kiting, had an instant connection, helped out each other on the beach and enjoyed the days in Hiiumaa. The careless vibe and inspiring people around us is a huge part of kiting life. 

A little barbi and party never killed nobody
A little barbi and party never killed nobody

The evenings in the camp were filled with barbecue dinners, games and dancing. At the same time when we were having our camp on the island, there was also the annual kite camp in Ranna Surfiküla. One evening they had a sunset Noep concert we couldn’t resist and conquered the camp with our bunch. We were dancing and enjoying the camp vibe as long as we just couldn’t move our hips anymore, he-he 🙂 Dancing with kids on our shoulders is definitely not easy…

Dancing to the tunes of Noep
Dancing to the tunes of Noep

On one of the no-wind days we went for our usual “discover the island” trip. Despite the fact that we, most probably, have visited every corner of the island already. We hiked to Sääre tirp, which is a tiny tiny peninsula in Hiiumaa. Yet, doing it together with our fans was a first. 

Campers in Sääre tirp after a few km hike
Campers in Sääre tirp after a few km hike

Must admit that in the end we were physically so tired, because hosting the kite camp and being social is quite tiring. But we wouldn’t change it for anything. All the emotions and energy we got from the camp punch, is what inspires us to keep going. As they say….till the next adventure together!

Here’s our little recap reel…

Hiiumaa kite camp 2.0 REEL