Kitetrips with kids – hell YES!

Planning to go on a kitetrip abroad? Wondering if kids should stay at home or take them along? Our answer is – definitely take along!

As only the bravest kitesurfers go out kiting in Estonia during winter season and we do not have any snow for snowkiting yet, then it’s officially the kitetrip season, where many go abroad to find some sun and warm ocean breeze. 

We have travelled with our kids since they were born and recently gathered some tips and tricks for our surf club Surftown.


Travelling with kids is easier when the destination country is in the same time zone, but it doesn’t mean that you should avoid travelling to different time zones. When travelling across the world we suggest to take the first few days slowly.

For example, when we went to Dominican Republic and arrived around 10pm local time (our time 3am), then we were so ready that we wouldn’t get any sleep and would hang with our babies in the hotel lobby throughout the night. Luckily they were so exhausted that slept till 6am local time and we got some sleep as well. 

However, the next few days we planned so that the babies would get their well-deserved naps in peace and quiet. The happier and rested the kids, the more fun vacation for everyone. 

Flight routes and schedules

When choosing the flights many pay the most attention to the price. For us the most important these days are the connections – how long is the full duration of the trip and how long layovers. We’re even willing to pay a bit more than initially planned so that we would have better airlines and faster routes, because when spending a lot of time in airports you still end up spending the same amount of money in the airport cafes/restaurants. 

When possible we choose long haul night flights so that the kids could sleep most of the time. For example, when we were travelling to Singapore, Triin’s kid slept 10 hours out of the 12 hour flight. In this way the flight is easier and more convenient for all. 

Regarding flights it’s also important that the luggage is sent directly to end destination. In some cases it’s not possible. For example, we literally live at the end of the world from where it’s really tricky to find good connections. When travelling to Zanzibar we found a good charter flight from Brussels to Zanzibar and took another flight from Tallinn to Brussels. This, however, meant that we had to check-in our luggage once again in Brussels, which is not only time-consuming but also very tiresome. If possible, we try to avoid this kind of situations in the future, because year after year we tend to have more luggage 🙈

Onboard entertainment

With babies or toddlers this doesn’t mean binge-watching, oh no 😀

For flights one should also consider that they have enough food and snacks for the little ones, some new toys or colouring books, etc. that would keep their attention till they pass out for their naps. Also be prepared that someone would constantly keep bounding on your lap and fool around. This is pretty much guaranteed.

Even some aircrafts have baby food and kids meals on board, then the majority of the kids dislike them as they’re something unusual and doesn’t taste quite the same as at home. Some healthy snacks and food your kids love are true lifesavers. 

When having connecting flights then also suggest not to give strollers to the check-in luggage, but request to take them along till the aircraft. Yes, it’s a bit trouble to go through the security checks, but at the same time not all airports have enough strollers around for everyone’s use. The baby carrier bags are also very handy!

After we had kids all of our adult friends love travelling with us, because we always have something edible or drinkable in our bags. We’re like moving cafes 🙃

Baby goods on spot

Just in case stock up with some baby stuff  for the first couple of days so that you don’t need to find the supermarkets the minute you land. Some diapers, food, sunscreen, extra pair of clothes in hand luggage etc. 

Also consider taking medicines you or your kids might need along, because you never know when something might happen. Luckily we have been safe here, but better safe than sorry. 


In the early days, when only Triin had her first born, we were quite ok with any accommodation that seemed tidy and decent. But now when we have four kids in total, the location of the accommodation is the key. The closer to the kite beach, the  better. Straight at the beach would be super!

For example, the best accommodation we have ever had was in Cabarete, when we were living exactly on the beach and could see the kiters from our pool. This minimized the stress for ourselves as we had everything close – no need to pack all stuff and then worry if left something behind, kids could nap of play indoors from time to time, we could switch babysitting turns with our partners so that we didn’t need to leave the beach etc. Therefore, if possible choose accommodation close to the kiting spot. 

Even though hotels are super nice on vacations, then apartment type accommodation is also helpful with kids. You can easily cook lunches at home, prepare also something they love and is not available in the local cuisine. Also helps to save money as no need to eat out all the time. 

A must when travelling with kids (no matter what the age is) is a POOL! Helps to save the day and provides some activity day and night. Our kids love water – guess it would be tricky if they didn’t as they spend so much time with us on the beach 🤔

Not only kiting

When taking your kids along, then should consider that kitetrips do not mean kiting 24/7. We advise to make agreements with kids that part of the day is dedicated to mom&dad kiting and part for kids. In this way everyone is happy and kids also have some memorable moments of the things they would love to do. 

Also bear in mind that some things kids would like to do are also fund for adults. For example, we had tons of fun in Singapore night zoo, ziplining in the jungle of Dominican Republic, dolphin swimming in Dominican Republic and Zanzibar, water parks in Malta and Dubai, snorkelling in Egypt, etc. 

Planning well is here the key word as you can plan the kids activities on no wind days. Then no-one is stressed of missing out the good wind. 

We also advise to involve kids in the kiting activities. For example, our kids love to help us setting up the gear and from time to time we take them out stand up paddling. If the kids are basically raised on the beach and involved in parents’ hobbies, then it’s no wonder that a 5-year old will ask: “Mommy, could I fly the kite as well?”. 

The more kids, the better

Yes, you read correctly. Even though having many many kids might seem like a true disaster, then it actually helps. Kids socialize well and play together. The more kids, the easier at the end because they find activity for themselves. 

Even though travelling with kids might be tricky and tiresome, it’s also so much fun! It’s amazing how fast kids develop when travelling – they become more open, curious towards the world, the pure joy and excitement before and during the trips, all the laughter, etc. 

We believe that when you have the right mindset yourself and understand there might be times they cry and act as lunatics and you cannot sunbathe 8 hours straight, then you’re prepared to overcome everything. Also don’t underestimate the kids – explain them where you’re going, what’s gonna happen, how to get used to different climate and customs, etc. Soon you’ll see how they have become little travel junkies and are super cool travel buddies!