Kiting as a Teletubby and on IKEA table

If you ever say “I dare you”, then consider it done. If there’s anything in sports we love the most, then definitely challenges that push us to be better and reach higher. 

Surftown (school where we teach) decided to take part of the annual Kite Games challenge. It’s a team challenge game for kiters that involves different tasks a team needs to complete. Once you complete the task, you will be given points according to the trick difficulty. For example, less for simple backrolls or frontrolls and more for unhooked tricks. 

We divided the tasks among our team according to our kiting levels. We chose some tricks that we already knew and some that we had never tried before so that we could try something new. The tasks also involved fun elements like kiting in a costume, on a floaty or IKEA item. 

Watch out for Po

As Triin had a red Teletubby costume at home, we didn’t need to think much what costume we would go for. Especially, when Anne-Mai had dreamt about kiting in a Teletubby costume for ages. Why? Because years ago we went on a snowboarding trip in the Alps as Teletubbies and we had so much fun. Honestly, this has been one of the best snowboarding trips ever, because all the jokes were on us! They started already in the airport security control when we asked if we need to take the costumes off. The security lady was so nice and replied: “Only if the TV-s on your bellies work, then we need to scan you…”. Get it, right?

Kiting as a Teletubby
Anyways, the fun kiting as a Teletubby started already when putting on the costume. The looks people had! The smiles and greetings! 

Anne-Mai got her 15 minute fame as a Teletubby Po among other kiters and couldn’t have been any happier. She also got a first hand experience how it’s like to kite as a 80kg man, because you can only imagine how thick the costume is and how wet it got…

Check out the video of Anne-Mai kiting as a Tubby HERE

If you choose a floaty, never go for a dolphin

If you ever wanna try kiting on a floaty, never choose a dolphin. Rather go for a simple matress ๐Ÿ™‚ You might ask why? Because of balance.

On a small dolphin floaty you have basically zero balance and it starts to float away in every possible direction. As Triin had the dolphin at home (god bless the kids!) then we were lazy enough to just take it and check it out. Even though it was fun, then there wasn’t much kiting itself. Just a couple of pics and videos as a proof and that was it. The poor dolphin went back to the closet… Maybe next time a unicorn or a flamingo, though.

Kiting on a floaty

Kiting on IKEA’s most iconic item 

For the IKEA challenge we decided to choose the most iconic item throughout IKEA’s history – the LACK table. We’re most sure that everyone has had one or at least seen one during their lives! If not, then Google…

We decided to turn the table upside down and kite like that. How slippery it was! Forget boots for sure and go for bare feet as then you have better touch point. However, again the balance…you basically have zero control over the table and at the same time you need to work your ass off so that you just won’t slip away. We tried sitting on it, standing on it, everything we could think of. But maybe the balance problem is Triin’s personal issue ๐Ÿ˜›

Again can’t say it was kiting much, but at least we got our videos, pics and laughs. 

Check out the video of Triin trying to kite on the IKEA table HERE

Kiting with IKEA LACK table

Ironic is that we never got any points for our entries, because our team forgot to submit our entries ๐Ÿ™‚ Therefore no results, only fun and games…

What would be the next challenge to kite on or in? What have you done?