Surfing around deserted island

About a year ago we noticed on Facebook a really nice and private location Viirelaid. An Estonian’s own little paradise island, which stays unknown for many people. Since the first notation we have had many discussions on going there but so far there has always been something in the way. Until last weekend, when Anne-Mai had the opportunity to go and see this magical place with her own eyes.

On September’s last weekend Viirelaid hosted an event called Viire Tiir. According to the organizer Veiko, it is a gathering (festival) for surf fans and for all the sea lovers. The main aim is to enjoy the sea, good company and weekend all together. The event is held in the spring and autumn and this time it was already the fifth time for them to host it. The idea of the festival came from Viirelaid’s crew, but the inspiration for it is obtained from Philippines surfing around the island Seco. The playful name Viire Tiir (direct translation: Viire gyration (circle)) stands for a ride around the island which is done with kite or SUP if there is a suitable weather.

Island Viirelaid's lighthouse
Island Viirelaid’s lighthouse
Viirelaid’s famous lighthouse

The unique part is that as the island’s distance from the mainland is approximately 4km, you are actually able to kite there with favorable winds. This time the forecast looked promising, but real conditions were different therefore nobody actually kited to the island. The transportation between mainland and the island is done by a small boat, which usually has many times for departure i.e. every hour or so (it depends on the actual need). But in order to get on the island you have to pre-book everything. The gear is also taken on the island with the same small boat. So if you have let say 10 people who all are kiters, the boat is fully packed – no room to move around. The trip itself lasts around 25minutes and as soon as you get there the first thing you notice is a beautiful Ferrari-red lighthouse. On the island gear and all the personal belongings is moved around with an ATV. Although the distances are short, it’s still more comfortable and you are instantly able to settle in.

Kite gear transfer Viirelaid style
Kite gear transfer Viirelaid style
Typical transportation on the island

As Friday was more for settling in, Anne-Mai was able to get to know the people, who had come to the island. As many of the other participants were there as organizer’s friends or taking part of Viire Tiir numerous time, they all knew each other already. In total there were approximately 20 people, majority were surfers. In our point of view no matter where you are, the surf community is the warmest and kindest of them all 🙂 Seriously… It is so easy to step into a conversation when people take you as you are one of own right away. It is enough that you are a surfer! The best part is that nobody has any judgments, so the atmosphere is very relaxed and fun. Despite the fact that some of the company are strangers to one another.

Surftember - I'm ready for you!
Surftember – I’m ready for you!
Very unique furnishing – a bed under a clear sky

On the next morning we had our breakfast and hiked around the island. The trip all together was 6km long. At the same time Veiko (organizer, and one of the owners of the island) talked shortly about island’s history, how they got hold of the island and what and how have they done/changed. It was neat and fun to hear all the stories, as many of them are really funny and even unbelievable. Meanwhile we were also keeping a close eye on the wind, as the forecast promised that wind would pick up later on the afternoon. Luckily it did and we were able to go surfing. The conditions weren’t best ones. Wind was blowing from west so it came directly over Saaremaa (Estonian biggest island nearby), making it really gusty. At one point you were flying and the other you were drifting away downwind. Actually this was totally new experience – kiting so that you have a threat that if you fall too far downwind you will miss the island and the boat has to come and rescue you. Two of the five kiters who headed out on water that evening had to be rescued. Luckily Anne-Mai was able to still finish on the island, all though at one point the wind dropped and she was facing the same fate. All’s well that ends well! 😉

Estonians love all sort of saunas
Estonians love all sort of saunas
Best view in town!

After surf we all headed to sauna, had dinner and enjoyed a DJ set. Aftersurf talks and discussions are always interesting. Everybody is sharing their emotions, thoughts and tips for next time. Later that night wind changed direction to south-west and got lot stronger, meaning that the next morning we would have good kiting experience!

After good night sleep, next morning started early. Around 8 o’clock was first early bird on water. Anne-Mai and most of the others got on water around 10 in the morning. Now we were kiting on the other side of the island and the wind blew past Saaremaa directly to spot. The coastal line is rocky, no sand and it gets quite deep fast. The sea temperature was around +12 and outside a bit colder. At first Anne-Mai thought it is going to be really cold session, but actually it didn’t felt that bad at all. Maybe the adrenaline was doing its job because 9m2 kite was pulling like a mad one and the waves were giving really nice kicks for jumps.

Ready for some kiting action
Ready for some kiting action
Ready to go…

After morning surf the official start for Viire Tiir was given. As the wind was picking up more and more, Anne-Mai decided to watch the ride from a boat. Four men started around noon, rode around the island and finished ride by going downwind back to mainland. The first ones were on water less than half an hour, the ride around an island took only about 18 minutes. Talk about good wind conditions. Going downwind to mainland was completely different story (wind was blowing over Viirelaid). Men complained that they would have liked to change kites after roundtrip for bigger ones. Anyway this was officially first time, when kiters were able to kite from the island to the mainland (the other way around is already a tradition).

Overall experience was real fun and visiting Viirelaid is totally worth it! Even if you are not a kiter. Cannot wait for the next time 😉