Wafi Surf THE MOVIE!

In June we were having fun at Stroomi beach trying to capture some good shots for our Insta feed. And then our most loved fan joined to also capture a few shots or two. It turned out to be so much fun that later he made a proposal…

…a proposal to make a short movie of us! And who could refuse an offer like that? Of course, we couldn’t. So, the movie became the BIG THING of this summer.  

Must say that in the beginning we were quite sceptical. Didn’t know much about his “professional skills”. So, what kind of movie were we making? What was the skill for him to capture everything on camera? He clearly had a vision how to do it, though. An inspirational video about the girls who share the passion for kiting.

This won’t be an amateur thing after all…

And then there was the first shooting day at our favourite beach Laulasmaa. No wind. Perfect for a kiting video 😀 Luckily it was warm, so we could make the so-called beauty shots in short wetsuits. As you already know – a rare thing here in Estonia. And then we saw the first shots from his camera – oh boy, it was promising. Who could have thought?! It also gave some additional motivation to go through with the project, because it seemed that this won’t be an amateur thing after all…

The first shooting day in Laulasmaa.

On the first shooting day we captured all the beauty shots of how we’re going to the beach, setting up our gear and the after-surf relaxation. It was a super nice sunset day.

The next step was the kiting shots. But there was no wind for weeks. The end of August was already approaching, when we couldn’t find a joint windy day. Accidentally we pumped into each other on the beach and could make some quick underwater and kiting with a kid clips. But this was it. Still no wind for clips involving jumping.

Voiceover = bloopers

While waiting for the wind, we decided to try making the voiceover. Honestly, cannot remember when was the last time, we had so much FUN. Of course, 2 hours later when it started getting dark, there was zero usable voiceover clips, only bloopers. Mainly of someone laughing or not making sense at all.

Voiceover shoot full of smiles and laughs.

But you know what? All the FUN we had together on this journey, was the thing we all enjoyed the most. The endless laughing and joking around. It also involved a lot of mocking and making fun of yourselves.

Limoncello shots and dancing in the car

The weather in Estonia can be quite unpredictable even in summer. At one point you’re in bikinis and then next in your comfiest winter jacket. There was still no wind, and the temperature was expected to drop to 10 degrees in the middle of August. How the hell will we shoot all the kiting clips in short wetsuits with 10 degrees outside?

So, we became a little desperate to find some wind before the extreme temperature drop. The only chance seemed to be one Friday afternoon in a spot called Presidendi flat. It was a shady business, if the wind will actually deliver or not, but we had to try. There was literally no other chance.

Therefore, Friday evening cleared in our calendars and there we were. How happy we were to see that it actually was windy!

One might think that what it is to capture your jumps and kiting on camera? 5 min and done, right? Think twice! The only thing you hear all the time from your videographer – YOU’RE TOO FAR AWAY. COME CLOSER. Try this or try that. And then you literally wanna scream to him – try yourself and see how easy it is! Especially if it was already cold for a short wetsuit session and our entire bodies were shivering from cold. But at the end of the day we made the magic happen and got some good shots we could use for the movie.

The funniest project of all times with this crew.

The FEELING however was AMAZING. Again, so much fun together. We treated ourselves with a nice dinner that soon ended with some limoncello shots. And when driving back home it even might have ended with some dancing in the car by the world-famous Hadaway tune “What is love, baby don’t hurt me, don’t hurt me no more…”. We were behind the same traffic light with our videographer, rolling down the car windows and a little dance……in the city center of Tallinn. This is so US! Not sure, what our biggest fun/videographer thought at that moment. Most probably – what the hell did I get myself into. But we honestly don’t care what he tought….

A few weeks later we received the first draft of the movie and we were blown away. Not sure if it was for the videographer’s skills and how it all played together or that we looked so amazing. Definitely the latter….he-he!

Anyway, after seeing the first draft we were incredibly thankful. You know the feeling when sometimes someone believes in you more than you do yourself? This was it. It was the moment we felt again that we’re doing the right thing. Our aim as kiters has always been to inspire other kiters to improve their skills and attract non-kiters to kiting. This movie represents everything we love about kitesurfing – the power of freedom, the beauty of nature and the joy of friendships!

Check out the MOVIE yourself in YOUTUBE

We’re eternally grateful for you Karel! Luv ya 💕