Weekend getaway at Spithami

For the weekend up ahead, we decided to go to Spithami (Spithamn), a small village in Lääne county.

From time to time we plan short weekend getaways for kitesurfing. As we have mentioned in our posts before, Estonia is a small country and due to that you can actually chase the wind basically everywhere. Usually, we choose the final destination according to the wind direction and by our own preferences (i.e. heard that some spot is awesome, been there ourselves before etc.) which spot we would like to see and kite. Mainly what we keep in mind is that the spot would have a small beach area (where our kids could play) and nice flat water. Especially now, when we have started to jump and practice some tricks, we look for the last one. 

A few years ago we took part of a surf camp called Surfilaager, which was held in Roosta Holiday Village. This place is really close to Spithami and while we were at that camp, we looked a place nearby to kitesurf and found this kinda remote but beautiful spot – small beach area with superb lagoon. We’ve not been there a lot but all of the times that we’ve been there, the experience has been one to remember. 

Through the woods to the beach

To get there we decided to drive near the coastline, so at one point the roads which led us there were really narrow and through the woods. Crossed our fingers not to get stuck in the bumpy and sandy road. In hindsight you can say it would have been easier to ride by main roads but luckily we arrived without any hassle. When we arrived we were so excited because we were the only ones at the beach and the forecast was getting more and more positive. Imagine a nice flat lagoon only to yourself… mmm PARADISE!

We set up our camp and put everything ready so that when the wind would come, we could hit the water right away. While we were waiting for the wind had the opportunity to play around with our kids. Not for long tho … The wind came as promised and we hit the water. It doesn’t happen very often that you can kite in shorts in Estonia. The weather and water were extra ordinary warm. So we decided to take the most out of it. Meaning practicing all that we have learnt so far and trying to capture some of it on the photos 😛 Our day joke and encouragement to one another was a comment “instagrammable” 😛 We have always admired kiters who are so pros that they need only a few minutes on water to capture amazing shots. No ridiculous faces nor bad timing or what so ever. We, on the other hand, are still taking baby steps. Learning how to do tricks, how to have a normal face and body posture while doing it and finally timing, how to capture it all on a single shot! 😀

Here are some of our best outcomes …  We know, there is a lot of room for improvement but we are determined to get there!